Our Funding

Community Beyond Violence is partly funded by federal and state grants through the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Nevada County local government.
County funds come through Marriage License fees, CalWORKS and CalFRESH grants. Community Beyond Violence is also a sub-recipient of funds through the Nevada County District Attorneyās office that pays for some shelter services.


We are thrilled to be chosen as a recipient of the County of Nevadaās American Rescue Plan Act allocation for Community & Economic Resiliency.
We were awarded $50K for emergency funds, flexible financial assistance and household establishment for our clients. To learn more about the American Rescue Plan Act, click here.
Womenās Foundation California, in partnership with the Blue Shield of California Foundation, is funding domestic violence shelters and programs caring for survivors and their children at increased risk of experiencing further violence as a result of COVID-19 and shelter in place policies.
In 2021, Community Beyond Violence was selected to receive a $12K grant through this partnership.

CalFresh, known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, provides monthly food benefits to individuals and families with low-income and provides economic benefits to communities. CalFresh is the largest food program in California and provides an essential hunger safety net. CalFresh is federally mandated and in California, is state-supervised and county-operated.
Community Beyond Violence provides CalFresh outreach to the community and clients and in turn, receives regular funding.