Personal Advocacy and Accompaniment

Personal Advocacy
Our advocates are trained in how to provide supportive services to those who have experienced violence. They provides assistance with referrals and services, connecting clients to needed resources that fit the survivor’s needs. Advocacy is doing something or speaking on behalf of a survivor when that they cannot do for themself. Advocates assist survivors by helping them explore their strengths and the healing resources that exist within our community.
We collaborate closely with local public and private social service agencies in Nevada County to make sure our clients have access to a full range of social services. Our advocates can provide information and help with setting up appointments, transportation, coordination of childcare assistance, and physical accompaniment to important meetings, appointments or court hearings when appropriate.
Therapist Referrals
We are happy to provide free therapist referrals for individual counseling with highly trained therapists.
If you would like additional support to explore any issues deeper, please tell your advocate. Your advocate can get this process started for you.